Monday, September 18, 2006

A Lesson in Lightning

Okay, check this out:
In storm clouds, tiny particles in the cloud move around picking up positive or negative energy charges, like when shoes scuff a rug. The positive charged particles stay light, and rise to the top of the cloud. The negative charged particles get heavier, and collect at the bottom of the cloud.
As more particles become charged, they divide into opposing groups in the cloud. When the power of attraction between them gets too great, the particles discharge their energy at each other, completing a path for electricity to travel through the air. We call this flow of electricity lightning.
It's the negative charges in the bottom of the cloud that cause lightning to strike the ground. When the negatively charged particles group together, they begin to seek out positive charges from the ground below. The excess electrons create a channel of charged air called a leader that reaches down to the ground below. The leaders attract other charged ground-based channels called streamers.
When the stepped leader from the cloud meets a returning streamer from the ground, the path is ready. An electrical current called the return stroke, travels back up the path. This return stroke releases tremendous energy, bright light and thunder.

Why am I sharing a science lesson with you? Well...a couple of weeks ago I attended some revival services where a friend of mine was preaching. He shared the above information from a spiritual perspective, and it really got me fired up. The concept is actually very cool, that the leaders are reaching toward earth, the streamers are reaching up, and when the two connect, the power flows! What a picture! It really made me think again of how much God wants to use us as His hands on this earth. To be involved with be sensitive to what He wants to accomplish. Sure He could speak the word, snap His fingers or whatever, and things would be done...but He chooses to work through US...

Are you reaching up?

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